Monday, September 10, 2012


well 8 years ago, i enrolled to MMMC and arrived in Manipal.
historical date.
college management sux.
got mbbs after a struggle. miss procrastinator learned the hard way.
but i gained a whole load of experience in the process. 
maturity was only budding that time. lol
marks the best years of my life, as i found the most awesome friends and still remain friends until today, despite the distance.
macam kpop and happy planet keeps us together kan ? hihi
developed love for jpop, kpop, jdrama and kdrama + laruku (from hana)
actually mostly influenced by hana the main MMMC supplier. hahaha.
hana I ♥ U
attending DBSK concert.
elective in japan and developed severe obsession towards JT (those immature years hahaha)
kiasu kiasi study group during 4th and 5th year exams.
legendary maggi pedas 'macam nurul' + telur goyang + extremely yummy Teh O Ais at Kak Ida's gazebo.
Manipal Ice Land's yummy poori bhaji, always have to order more than 2!
cheap and fresh fruit juice by the road side.
Ananthnagar 2nd stage 112 and the kuppies :D

countless memories.

those were the years..

Sunday, July 1, 2012

the saddest love song ever !

very meaningful but expressed well by simple words.

i cried TT_TT
and still tearing up every time i hear this song :(

Monday, June 4, 2012


a famous one from barney kan ? 

describes my life as of this moment.

but of course, definition of awesome is personalized by me ! hehe

a lot of weddings last week (didnt attend any antisocial lol)
sabar jak dengar bunyi gong everyday last week :D

Thank you Allah. 
for the good things in life.
for the chances to do what i love in life (i want some more) 
*greedy mwhahahaha
for making me happy in my own awesome ways.

/will be staying at a place far from civilization until next friday T_T