Friday, September 26, 2008

countdown + mercedes benz SCL600

MySpace Countdown Clocks

1st thing, i wonder if the BG image of the countdown clock is really tokyo. haha
cant believe IT IS THAT NEAR ALREADY !

some survey i felt like answering ::

* My roommates and I once:
snuck out to watch Charmed at the eating + tv hall after the hostel curfew, only to be chased away by the garang cikgu Ayu with rotan. we were 16 then. how pathetic a hostel life can be.. want to watch tv oso cannot..

* Never in my life have I:
been to europe. tunggulah.. bila sia kaya nanti ^^

* High school was:
just ok. glad its all done.

* When I’m nervous:
blurness. lambat pick up dan pekak. hahah

* My hair:
needs a cut !

* When I was 5:
I was still in denial that i am the only child XD

* When I turn my head left:
I can see my comfy bed calling me to tidur instead of cleaning the room

* I should be:
cleaning the room~ aa malasnyaa.

* By this time next year:
ahh.. i'll experience the same thing again. final year MBBS ! dowannnnn ! T.T

* My favorite aunt is:
Auntie Irene.. the best auntie in the worldddd~~ ! ^^

* I have a hard time understanding:
how moron-ic can ppl be.. despite their age.

* My ideal breakfast is:
getting to have anything i feel like eating at that moment.

* If you visit my home town:
I regard myself not having any hometown. It is just a place where my parents are living in now.

* If you spend the night at my house:
dont even think of bathing before bed. unless u want to feel how it's like to be frozen alive. hihi

* The animal I would like to see flying besides birds:
Not any freaking animal. I want to see flying DongBangShinKis XDD

* I shouldn’t have been:
taking the 4th year final exam for granted.
guilt of not studying hard enough + super scary exam + japan trip at stake = a feeling that can kill !

* Last night I:
watched 'Hancock' and 'Baby mama' with sharlene. then watched gossip girl ep 4, heroes ep 1 XD

* A better name for me would be:
shorter than my full name. having too many names can be troublesome sometimes. LoL

* I’ve been told I look like:
My dad. I guess the only bit i got from my mum is this skin color which is not as dark as my dad. hahah

* If I could have any car, it would be:
Mercedes-Benz SCL600
simply cos no steering wheel and no pedal.
you drive it with a joystick !

[ps. even nurul n me can drive without much problem i suppose ? hihi]
me and nurul are ppl with IDLE driving license XDD

credits :

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