Friday, October 10, 2008

starbucks yummy !

ahh. why changmin hair. whyy. it`s ugly.
reason why yunho wins noww XDD

a bit update again. cos YM chat is a bit crazy, i cannot log in :(

next time we chat again k nurul and farra d..hee

one thing that is very obvious here is that, the specialist-student relationship is super duper good that most of the time, the specialist belanja makan ^^

if he asks what you want to eat, then that means he will pay for it.

best kann ?

which wont happen in malaysia even anytime in 1000 more years XD


and the mocha frapuccino starbucks i kena belanja today, i wont forget !

doumo arigatou JT sensei ^^

two very nice people.

they tried their very best to help me understanding the kanji case sheets XD

and atsuo-kun told me, Kenichiro Matsuyama (L in death note) stays in his housing area !

how cool is that..heeee

not that many cases, so JT sensei asked me to nap for 2 hours instead after eating supper and hearing his stories about his experiences..

the things i remember most he said :

`Italians have no brain but damn, they have beautiful women`

`not spaghettis, its pasta`

`i got drunk with some stupid germans`


supper also kena belanja by him.


me=spoilt elective student.

cos the J university students stayed up until 7am without nap.


he was the cardiologist in charge last night.

a super nice specialist. a rare species in malaysian hospital ;)

and good looking too !
:: bonks self ::


and yesterday, me and hana went on a date at Ginza with yu-kun.

kena belanja makan lagi.
we ate at Fujiya Ginza
hana ate seafood spaghetti. i ate mango parfait. yumm.

camana la mo kurus cmni. heee

he even took us to the electric/electronic shop -BIC CAMERA where DBSK went once for a tv show

*excited excited*

altho only traces of DBSK


havent met any celebrity yet.

but once in the train, me and hana saw Nanba-senpai of HanaKimi look alike from the side view.

totally alike from the side view !

tachycardia jap.

sekali bila tgk dari depan,

hancurr okk


klaa..till next time. havto go tidur now


PS. have fun being jobless my friends~~ hehe


Anonymous said...

aaaaaa magggggg!!!!!!!!!

u r not allowed to slip k when you're here.

i need details on everything!!!!!!!!!

we were soooooooooooooooooo happy to be updated!!!!

must remember to take pictures ok.every single person u come in contcact with!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i mean sleep
hehehe typo~

applegreen said...

okie ! will try my best ! ^^