Thursday, July 17, 2008

goreng pisang and tvxq history

random conversation at a goreng pisang stall.
A : bla bla bla..
B : bla bla bla
A : really ? bla bla bla
B : yah.. bla bla bla
btw this is mag.
A : maxx ? whattt ?
B : err.. dayang actually.
awkward moments.

at least for me >.<
so i gave an awkward smile and continued stuffing goreng pisang into my mouth.
but why la i cannot act cool only ???
why must i feel awkward ???

maybe awkward cos A is a stranger.
and once i thot A is cool.
well maybe A is still cool. but i'm already over it.
oh no i hinted it out

on another note
TVXQ sets a history today !!!
for ranking #1 for 3 consecutive singles at Japan oricon chart !

congrats ^^

altho being a poor fangirl, sadly.., i didnt contribute in any way..
doushite-cartoon credits to : echonkz@multiply

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.