Thursday, July 3, 2008

that day of the year is here~~~

so its July 3rd.
went to Melaka GH OT for orthopaedics postings
while loitering outside the theatre, waiting for the next op
i saw this under the warmer machine....

my first honest thought was "aaa.. the baby so not cute"
cos the baby is still edematous and still has amniotic fluid and blood all over
and cannot stop crying
so mean of me
then deepa reminded me that this baby has the same birthday as me !
i was like that 23 years ago
anyway, for the baby girl sharing her birthday with me :
all the best wishes !
happy birthday to us ^^

thanks to farra d for the dinner treat at pizza hut
thanks to hana, nurul, asha and few other frens also for taking your time out to have dinner with me despite the problems with the planning
i had fun ^___________^
love you all sooooo much~

tvxq on july 3rd,2008 :)

^ jj transformed to a red head

^ changmin spotted outside an ice cream place

credit: yuibkk@multiply

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like them even when they are not stylish XD

and yea.. newborn babies are not so kiut.. hahaha