Saturday, October 4, 2008

location :: Osaka
music :: mirotic on repeat !!

hi ho ppl~
after proving that our sense of direction are definitely not that good, we finally found our way to this media popeye cafe at Umeda in Osaka.
kalau x kurus balik nanti ni, dunno lah.
we were craving for internet since we 1st landed in Japan
Hana with her JoongBo addiction
Adie with her NEWS stuff
and me and my DBSK dose !
this 1st week we were on our so-called `backpacking` trip,
so communications are a bit hard
didnt manage to call my parents on our first day here, then kena marah when i called them on hari raya
they were very worried
while actually we are living quite comfortably here, despite what we expected
thanks to the Malaysian senpai-s here~

anyway, thanks to everyone who msged me the day we left for Japan.
sorry I couldnt reply~~
it was quite hectic that day.
and DiGi cannot roaming in Japan.

To Nurul,
I miss you !!
I got your msgs and i already hugged hana as you asked me to.
Gomen, i serbu your room to take cellophane tape for packing that day and xsempat msg u !
without your permission!
I will make sure Adie handle your Shige poster with care XD

To Farra d,
I miss youuuu !! heheh
Just email me at and tell me what you want to pesan from here. I use my money 1st okie. I only know you want Yamapi/Ryo`s poster and your sister wants Massu`s uchiwa kan ?email me asap k~

To Asha skebe,
i miss you toooo ! jangan skebe2 di putrajaya hosp tu kk~ hehe
just email me if you want anything. asap k. cos i might not be able to check email tht often.

will try to find nice omiyage for you guys okieee~~

maaf zahir batin !
till the next entry !

1 comment:

kumak0 said...


i miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!